Dear Cornelia Families:


The Cornelia Elementary School PTO would like to welcome you to a new year at our school. For those of you who are unfamiliar with us, we are a volunteer organization made up of parents, teachers, administrators, and support staff who are all dedicated to the successful education of our children. The Cornelia PTO works hard to help make the school year both enjoyable and exciting for students, teachers, and parents.


We are here to help students and staff by providing support for educational and recreational needs; to promote open communication between administration, teachers, and parents/guardians and to encourage Cornelia school spirit and pride. The PTO uses its resources, both manpower and monetary, to support the efforts of the staff and to provide learning and enrichment opportunities for our children.


We are looking forward to meeting families, parents/guardians, and grandparents that would like to get involved with our PTO this school year. Everything we do is based on volunteers and we are looking to you to help make a difference in the lives of our children. Volunteer your time. Come to meetings. Read the minutes. Give us your thoughts. Jump in and help. Ask questions. Donate what you can. Everyone is busy, but finding a little time to help contribute to your child’s educational experience will be rewarding for you and for them. It’s a wonderful investment that will produce lasting benefits. Many hands make the job easier.


Our group will meet monthly to discuss events and plan fundraisers to enhance all programs. This is a wonderful way to find out what is happening at our school from the PTO's perspective and to share new ideas. We in the PTO believe that it is so important that we all do everything we can to enhance the learning environment of our children as they truly are our future. It will take all of us working together to make this happen. We hope you will share your thoughts and ideas and help make this a wonderful year at Cornelia! You can always reach us at or find us on Facebook. We look forward to getting to know you!



The Cornelia PTO Board


2024-25 Cornelia PTO Board


Co-Presidents: Alecia Smith & Sarah Nguyen

President-Elect(s): Lena Eastman & (open position)

Treasurer: Adam Mayfield

Treasurer-Elect: Adam Mayfield

Communications Coordinator(s): Jessica Castro & Elizabeth Lilley

Communications Coordinator-Elect(s): (open position)

Secretary: Jamie Liang

Secretary-Elect: (open position)

Volunteer Coordinator: Jen Skavnak

Volunteer Coordinator-Elect: (open position)

Fundraising Coordinator: Katie Halcrow

Fundraising Coordinator-Elect: (open position)





 Please contact us at